Have you ever encountered prasiolite before? If you don’t now yet, the prasiolite is actually the proper term for the green variety of amethyst. The effect that this stone has on a lot of people is to make a reflective link to the higher self. The energy that it has is so much like the spirit of nature, exemplified in an astonishing green quartz crystal. Even though the green variety isn’t as well known as the purple colored amethyst, it actually has the same level of energy. However, it is somewhat different from stone and may come to you from a real heart-based viewpoint. The impact of the stone within the heart may clear the disharmonious energy, as well as open you to compassion and love. Read on to this article to learn more about prasiolite including its benefits!
Meanings and Properties

The prasiolite is amongst the most lovely semi-valuable stones, which you might ever see. The pale green through the nearly yellow color of it makes the stone a boundless stone in jewelry making. It is also called the amegreen, veregreen, green quartz, green amethyst, and lime citrine.
The term prasiolite actually originates from the Greek terms, prason, that means leek, as well as lithos that means stone. The stone possesses green color, so much like a leek. However, there are other kinds of the stones that also have yellow color in them, yellow-green to be precise.
Most of the prasiolite stones are yielded by the heat treatment. The normal amethyst is being heated up to 500 deg. Celsius in a lab up ’til the color of it changes from being purple to green or yellow-green.
In addition, the amethyst that’s used in creating the prasiolite is frequently sourced in Poland, Brazil, and Arizona. The natural deposits of prasiolite are fairly rare, yet there are some deposits of the stone as well that’s found in the Susanville, in the state of California in the USA.
Reasons to Use Prasiolite
If you are planning to wear the stone as jewelry, you need to know that it’ll intensify the energies, which reside in the mind and heart. Make certain that you just have positive emotions and thoughts so they’ll not restrict with the energy flows in life.
It is a crystal of originality. It’ll inspire you in being the best form of yourself, as well as sharing your own distinctive abilities with the whole world. It’ll encourage you in being your fabulous and unique self, rather than having a safe and ordinary personality. If you possess this stone with you, the energies of it will surely work for you, thus, there will be no too big challenges to conquer and there will be no problem that’s so difficult for you to resolve. The stone may show you as well as how you may be more independent.
You might need someone in life, yet it will not hurt to discern how you can survive by yourself too. It is not all along that you’ll have someone who’ll get you outside the bind, who’ll give you emotional upkeep, or who’ll loan lend you money if you are broke. Keep on reading, we will give you some of the best prasiolite benefits below!
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Here are some of the best prasiolite benefits that you should know:
For Health and Healing
The prasiolite stone is a great healing stone as it may help in cleansing your body of any types of toxins. Further, it is also greatly essential in treating blockages, growths, ulcers, and tumors. It’ll also be essential in counteracting stomach acid, plus it is a good crystal to have, which assist with the absorption of nutrients.
For Wealth and Luck

The prasiolite stone is thought to be a stone of prosperity. It may attract abundance, fortune, and wealth to life. It’ll also assist you in manifesting your objectives, and ensuring the incessant flow of nice fortune. This may help you in keeping your motivation so high when you are working on some new projects. It’ll also clear the head so you may easily spot the opportunities, which may add to the sources of income. The hints of golden yellow underneath the exterior of this stone actually has a component of wealth and richness that may inspire you in continuing to flatten your savings account, but not walking on anybody to make it happen.
For Love and Relationship
The prasiolite may kindle the love within you. If you’ve been lone for so long already, the prasiolite may rekindle your desire in going back into the scene of dating or to have a new relationship again. It’ll assist you in gaining back your confidence, and it’ll get rid of the worries or fear that may reside in the heart. The prasiolite may also plug you with joyful and happy energies so you may attract just the best type of love vims.
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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