The Healing Crystals for Ametropia

By Felicia Eisnnicher •  5 min read

Ametropia, more commonly known as defective vision, is caused mainly by a deformation of the eyeball, producing a blurred image on the retina (or known as the eye’s screen, where the images formed by the eye lens are focused and then interpreted by the brain through the optic nerves) at certain distances.

In the case of long-sightedness or hypermetropia— the eyeball is too short. Thus, the eye’s lens focus image at a point that’s somewhere behind the retina. Only the objects that are relatively distant can be seen sharply.

In the case of short-sightedness or myopia— the eyeball is quite long with the eye lens’ focal point is situated in front of the physical location of your retina. Only the objects that are close by can be seen sharply.

Other causes of ametropia can be the changes in the focusing ability or refractiveness in the cornea or in the eye’s lens or even the loss of flexibility of the lens.

In the most common and usual cases of ametropia, the underlying deformation of the eyeball is usually regarded as unchangeable and hereditary. However, while there can be some predisposition, the degree that it can develop into ametropia can be influenced.

It’s worth noting the deformation of the flexible eyeball is usually associated with some malfunctioning of the eye muscles—either being used too little or become shortened. The tension in the muscles increases or causes the deformation and may result in gradual deterioration.

Other than that, ametropia can also have a psychological issue; that if we don’t want to accept a specific point of view, we’ll automatically avoid the corresponding physical attitude, for instance, eye position.

As a result, you cannot use certain eye muscles as much and become shortened. And this lack of exercise or stretching can cause ametropia.

Fortunately, there are many eye stretching exercises you can try. Then you can combine that with the right crystal therapy, providing a much faster improvement. These crystals can help make most exercises easier while also stabilizing the success of these exercises.

Here are some of the best crystals for healing ametropia.

Crystals For Healing Ametropia



Aquamarine with its purity and clearness, sky-like crystalline evokes the exhilaration and calmness of the sea. It’s soothing and cleansing and belongs to the Beryl group of minerals.

Since ancient times, the use of beryl in cases of ametropia has been known. Its beautiful calming blue hues can improve eyesight. The crystal relaxes the surroundings of the eyes and provides the eye musculature the right tone. In addition, it also has a positive effect on the related optic nerves.

Furthermore, aquamarine also has an emotional effect as they help broaden your inner sight and mental horizon. You can use aquamarine crystal as eyewash in order to treat vision problems, infections, and diseases of the eye.


Crystals For Healing Ametropia

Emerald with its bright green hues, represent the youth in the age of man, stirring the soul for renewal and growth. Like aquamarine, emerald is also a part of the beryl family of mineral stones, thus also makes a powerful ally in treating ametropia.

Since it is beryl, emerald also helps in improving eyesight, relaxing the surrounding of the eyes, and improving eye musculature. It is the best gemstone for treating eye problems and restoring your eyesight. An eye bath of Emerald water is soothing to the eyes and even helps in easing eye infections.

You can place small crystals or tumbled emerald directly on the eyes or wear a pendant or necklace. Alternatively, you can also consume emerald gem essence, taking 5 – 9 drops for 3 – 5 times a day.



Agate with its stripes or layers is sometimes called as the earth rainbow since its concentric bands can take nearly every color that the earth can produce. It is also beneficial for the eyes, strengthening, and improving its functioning.

It may be used where ametropia is not a result of a deformation of the eyeball. But by the change of refraction in the cornea and the lens. Particularly, agate slices or the thin sections with the rock crystal in the center usually show good results if you place on the eye for a quarter of an hour and preferably in the evening.



Citrine with is pale yellow color is what gave its name. The name comes from the French term citron which translates to lemon. Its bright hue symbolizes the spiritual qualities of abundance and joy, but also a powerful stone for healing the eyesight.

Its bright but joyful hue is pleasing to the eyes, easing and stimulating proper eye coordination. It can help with problems that affect your vision and eyesight. Spiritually, citrine can help open your third eye chakra and helps you see things beyond. This will deepen your level of mental clarity and increasing spiritual vision.

Like the rest of the crystals, you can place citrine on your eyes as you meditate or enjoy a citrine gem essence or water throughout the day.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it. Ametropia, regardless of what type you have, can be frustrating. You’ll have to use glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision. However, with the best healing crystals for ametropia combined with the diligent eye exercising, you can help prevent it from getting worse or heal it altogether.

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Felicia Eisnnicher

I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.

Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile