The black obsidian stone is a potent cleanser of the psychic smog made within the aura, and is considered as a powerful psychic protection stone. This stone also has a powerful metaphysical properties, which may assist in shielding you against negativities. Its energies may stimulate the prophesy gift. Black obsidian also possesses a goof action in cutting ties, breaking negative attachments to those you’ve been close to. The pieces of this stone, which had a gleaming surface were actually used in the past as one tool for scrying. It’s also a great crystal that you can use when you’ve been doing healing or spiritual work, since it has a strong action that may ground you to the Mother Gaia. In this article, we will discuss some more facts about black obsidian including its benefits. Read on to learn more!
Table of Contents
- Meanings and Properties of Black Obsidian
- Why Should You Use Black Obsidian?
- Black Obsidian Essential Benefits
Meanings and Properties of Black Obsidian

The black obsidian is also known as the glass agate, volcanic glass, glassy lava, xaga, and royal agate. It’s born speedily out of fast cooling lava, which flows from a volcano. This is the reason why it has the most powerful energies. Further, it also has the elements of earth, water, and fire.
Black obsidian has been around ever since the prehistoric times. It’s used in making spear points, arrowheads, as well as some other cutting tools. It’s also used by people in the Stone Age, spiritualists, lightworkers, alchemists, and Native American shamans due to its powers in healing. You may obtain it in various forms. You may acquire black obsidian obelisks, jewelry, or in pyramids. There are black spheres as well –even polished or tumbled black eggs.
It might be mined in various locations all around the world, including Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Scotland, Turkey, and the USA. Not only that, you may also find it in Australia, Guatemala, Greece, El Salvador, and Iceland.
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Give Me My Free ListWhy Should You Use Black Obsidian?
There are numerous reasons why you should use the black obsidian. These include the following:
- For a lot of centuries, black obsidian have been successfully used by shamans and crystal gazers in making contact with the spiritual world.
- The resonance of this stone within the root and base chakra is so strong, and they possess a potent vibration, which assists you in grounding yourself.
- Black obsidian is a great grounding stone, and its energy may work by helping you in moving any excess energy down thru the earth star chakra through the Mother Gaia for grounding.
- The vibration of black obsidian may assist you in contacting your spirit guide, since it has a prevailing action to help in spiritual communication.
In addition, black obsidian also works when you look into a shimmering piece of the stone in the proper light. Commonly, using it in a low light is the best, when you want to see the images of a loved one in spirit.
The properties of the black obsidian is what makes it so essential to possess in your own collection. They are actually of a strong psychic protection stone and may benefit you by shielding you from any negativity.
Black Obsidian Essential Benefits
For Health and Healing
The black obsidian may be a very good for the health. It is a powerful stone, which may aid in digestion, as well as with some other digestive problems. Just like the aqua aura quartz, it may ease any gall bladder issues, promote good heart health, as well as lower the blood pressure level.
This stone’s healing energy, which comes from it may also benefit the muscle tissues. It may also assist with viral or bacterial infections, as well. It may also draw out the tension and stress from the body and replace it relaxation and calm. Furthermore, it’ll also provide insight on what is causing the discomforts and pains, and it’ll reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
For Wealth

The black obsidian is a lucky stone to possess, especially in terms of wealth. Mainly because it may turn bad luck to good luck. Everyone needs good luck from time to time, so this is a stone that you must never be without.
This stone may wars off the bad chi, as well as cleanse any negative energies that may affect your own decision making, flow of thought, as well as your handle on your own emotions. You’ll be more practical in your own approach. You’ll not let your own emotions in taking over, yet you’ll do the right thing.
For Love and Relationship
Just like most stones in the market today, the black obsidian is a good stone to possess if you want a happier love life. It isn’t precisely the stone of love, yet the healing energies that it has may assist in finding the love that you want or even deal with the issues you are facing in your relationship.
The black obsidian is essential in cleansing the auras –a process that will do good for you and may really bring a lot of positive changes. The stone is also essential in making you see clearly, yet that means as much as yourself as for your partner or relationship.
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Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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