Azurite also called Chessylite –a name after the Chessy-les-Mines town where it’s first mined. This crystal or stone is a deep blue, strikingly beautiful copper stone. In this article, we will be discussing more important facts about azurite, including its benefits that you need to know. If you are interested about if, feel free to give this article a read.
Azurite: Meanings and Properties
As what we have said above. Azurite is also referred to as chessylite –a name after the Chessy-les-Mines town where it’s first mined.
Moreover, it’s a supple mineral that has a spongy appearance, and throughout the Renaissance and Medieval period, it’s the main blue pigment that was used in painting.
This crystal has already been noted thru the ages, due to its amazing color.
In the ancient Greece, Rome, Persain Empire, and Egypt, azurite is extremely prized. The said cultures reflected blue as a sacred color.
Furthermore, the blue azurite quickly renowned itself after the unearthing for this very reasons. As well as keeps on being given so much admiration and respect in today’s day and time.
However, for all of its brightness, azurite is actually considered as a delicate stone and has steered to so a lot of people holding it with an ultimate care every time it gets to enter in their own collection.
You may also become well protective of the piece without even realizing it, just like the crystal is pleading you to pay for it a special attention and treatment.
A number of the most important mines of the azurite stones, apart from those in Lyons, are in the Saxony, Sinai, as well as in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
In spite its beauty, the azurite stones aren’t often valuable in making jewelry.
Apart from being supple, they fade quickly as well when exposed to sunlight, and the heat exposure is what turns them irretrievably black, since it stings and is being transformed to copper oxide.
This is what makes it so hard to make it into a jewelry, as the setting of the stone commonly involves melting the metal allover it, and somewhat difficult to do when you cannot heat it.
Azurite: Reasons to Use It
The azurite is actually one of the utmost stones in the whole wide world, especially for third eye charkra.
It possess the precise vibrations essential in awakening the energy of this chakra, as well as develop various psychic powers and gifts.
In case that you really want to cultivate second sight of clairvoyance, then this one is a great stone that you can add into your psychic collection.
The azurite when added to your own collection will rapidly extricate itself for the perpetual sense and strength of the psychic energy.
Amongst all of the pieces, you may find yourself focused on it more frequently than as you are working in developing your psychic prospective even more.
Even though the crystal itself cannot help, yet to appear extremely spiritual and mystical, just like they were fragments of an elapsed sea corner.
The visions, as well as the meditative journeys wherein azurite may take you actually, are all realistic though, so precisely practice a lot of grounding methods, which avert you to lose sight of your own self, as well as your surrounding excessively.
That awareness on your environs is greatly important here, most particularly if you want to contemplate or go in a trance that’s hemmed in by candles.
In case you fail to recall your surroundings, it might somewhat be of a disaster.
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Give Me My Free ListAzurite Essential Benefits
By way of releasing stress, as well as improving the curiosity, the stone is essential to those who feel as if they were trapped in a certain unrewarding situation, yet are frightened to leave it, perchance thinking that the evil you know is much better than the evil you do not know.
This particular specious belief has already lead to a lot of person becoming entirely paralyzed in an awful condition, when they might have departed it many years before.
Additionally, azurite may also help in preventing you from being so fearful or new happenstances.
Certainly, being inebriated of azurite, you’ll become thirsty of new experiences.
As well as become eager in experiencing new things, which are fresh or uncommon.
The azurite may be beneficial in stopping self-restrictive lifestyles in their own tracks.
Each time you begin to withdraw from a boundless opportunity because of the fear of the unknown, or the feeling of unworthiness, the azurite may push you back into the way of taking risk or chances.
It will be essential in inspiring you in searching for the truth, as well as in encouraging you in questioning norms, outlooks, as well as your own status quo.
You may also find that when you begin familiarizing azurite in your life, you’ll far more often ask queries like why not and why.
Final Thoughts
Though the releasing of stress, and improving curiosity, azurite is essential to those who feel like they‘re trapped in a particular unrewarding situation, yet are frightened to leave it, perchance thinking that the evil you know is much better than the evil you do not know. For chastely practical reasons, I am not sure that I would really recommend this stone to everyone.
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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