For so many years, people of various cultures have selected the towering summits of the Himalayans as a spiritual site for prayers and meditations. This is to still the soul in literally the highest reaches of the world to achieve Samadhi— oneness of mind with the universe. And the most recent discovery of the unique pinkish Himalayan quartz from these mountains has just been unearthed and believed to carry the Samadhi energy within. Keep on reading to learn more facts about Himalayan quartz.
Meanings and Properties of Himalayan Quartz

The Himalayan Quartz can be opaque, translucent or transparent— its most common form is in shades of pastel pink or it can be icy white in color. The Himalayan quartz can form in clusters ranging to large powerful points to the tiny sparkling points. Such points typically intersect and run in various directions.
Believed to have the “yang” energies of the mountains, Himalayan quartz found in the highest points of the Himalayas, Madagascar, Brazil, and in Mt. Ida ranges in Arkansas.
Reasons Why You Should Use Himalayan Quartz
Use Himalayan quartz clusters in your home or meditation spaces in order to create a blissful and unhurried peace. Its energy provides a soothing and calming ambiance that can open your receptivity to the beauty of music and arts. They are also great for stimulating your imagination.
Himalayan quartz also carries strong feminine energy and it is the stone of nurturing. It is a superb stone in helping babies and mothers to bond, re-connecting with older kids or those who have already left your side. Not only is it a perfect gift for new moms, but it is also a nice gift for one’s own mother, sisters, daughters or a female friend.
The stone also does wonder for sleeping, for both kids and adults, promoting calming dreams as well as preventing night terrors or nightmares. Also, it helps kids not to be afraid of the dark.
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Give Me My Free ListHimalayan Quartz Benefits That You Need to Know
Want to know more facts about Himalayan quartz? If yes, here are some of the amazing benefits of this stone for health and healing, wealth and in love and relationships.
For Health and Healing

The Himalayan quartz is a gentle energizer and can be used for treating illness with emotionally-distressing, painful or embarrassing side effects or symptoms. IT is also beneficial in treating psychosomatic or stress-related illnesses and brain dysfunction.
Just like the Rose Quartz, the Himalayan quartz with its pinkish color help stimulates the proper functioning of your heart and circulatory system. The stone helps in relieving stress and tensions, skipped beats or palpitations as well as stabilizing irregular heart rhythm.
Also, it is ideal for young kids and premature babies with heart disease or weakness or just about anyone who needs a more stable and stronger heart.
Himalayan quartz also integrates energy which brings your body back into harmony, helping with body imbalances. Thus, it can be used in treating vertigo, skin rejuvenation and regeneration as well as stimulating the immune system.
Like Nuumite, Himalayan quartz helps soften the stress and frustrations of a hectic place to bring a sense of relaxation and calmness to the emotional body.
For Wealth
Himalayan Quartz is known to be the happy stone, inspiring the awareness that all work is honorable and imparts a message that what you’re doing at the present is exactly where you should be.
Keep this stone on your desk or in meeting rooms in order to extend the clarity of purpose, drawing others together in strong cooperation.
For Relationship and Love
Hold the Himalayan quartz whenever you need to feel surrounded and comforted by unconditional love as well as gaining peace. This is an excellent stone for kids caught in the middle of quarreling siblings or parents, those neglected in foster care or placed in homes nearing divorces.
The all-encompassing love that this stone has is quite undeniable. Himalayan Quartz is also a relationship crystal, supporting passion and love of new romance and bringing in a unified heart of partners, friends and family. It strengthens the bonds of friendships, brings families closer, drawing love and promoting good understanding and communications.
Final Thoughts
For those in urgent need of some relaxation and calmness, the Himalayan quartz is a powerful stone that can bring the peace you so-longingly deserve. It helps establish a clear and strong connection to guidance and becomes a must-have stone to carry for the crystal healing community.
These are only a few of the countless facts about Himalayan quartz that you need to know.
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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