The third-eye chakra represents the concept of “seeing”, particularly in the spiritual or psychic realm. Keep on reading to learn more about this chakra.
Third-Eye Chakra Meaning
Having a powerful this chakra can help you used your enhanced inner guidance which comes from the powerful intuitive abilities. The third-eye chakra also means a heightened spiritual growth, a more generous and humanitarian attitude and a positive outlook towards life.
During ancient times, this chakra was believed to be where “The Sight” can be found. The third-eye chakra, on the other hand, rules the gift of clairaudience and psychic hearing since this area resonates with your sense of hearings.
It focuses on developing intuition while strengthening your psychic knowledge and engaging clairvoyance.
Third-Eye Chakra Color

The color for the third-eye chakra is indigo or royal blue, symbolizing deep wisdom and inner knowledge.
The indigo color unlocks the door to the Divine realm and can be connected to the soothing color of the night. It is during the night and dark when our sense becomes more refined and enhanced and a part of ourselves are awakened.
The color indigo provides clarity to your sense, including seeing, hearing and feeling, which is also why it is called the sixth sense.
Acting a bridge between earth and heaven, between death and life and between the right and left hemispheres, the color indigo supports in making transitions in this life. It is also the color of deep change, allowing you to transform your lower chakra energies into one of higher vibrational spiritual energies.
Physically speaking, the indigo color is associated with the forehead, brain, eye, brow, pineal gland nose, carotid nerve plexus, and the pituitary gland. People with powerful indigo chakra energy have this bright spark in their eyes where you can sense profound wisdom.
Indigo is also a calming color that allows change and transformations. You will experience strong metabolism and better vision as well as maximizing the strength of your upper body, even your oral health. Also, the neck becomes flexible and your thyroid gland functions properly.
Mentally speaking, the color indigo carries symbolic thinking energy. It connects the symbolism of materials. It offers the path for effortless action, allowing you to act without getting your ego on the situation. Action will simply slow through you and you get to achieve things quite easily. You will become an imaginative ad can visualize what is it you want.
Strong Indigo Chakra
Other than, a strong indigo chakra allows you to have a good memory. You also become imaginative and have excellent mental strength.
Emotionally speaking, the indigo color is responsible for your emotions. It allows you to be at peace with others and with yourself and helping you see your clarity better. It brings tranquility and peace, not only on the third-eye chakra but also to other chakras of your body.
Spiritually speaking, the indigo color allows you to perceive the Divine works and be one with the Divine realm. You will obtain deep wisdom and deep sight, allowing you to understand and appreciate mystical happenings.
You will also enhance your clairvoyance and inner vision as well as your spiritual will. The indigo color also helps you transcend polarity and even unite your state of consciousness.
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Give Me My Free ListThird-Eye Chakra Symbol

The symbol for this chakra is the Om that is placed over an upside-down triangle. This triangle is seated inside a circle between 2 lotus petals. When perceived as one, the meaning of such elements represents wisdom.
The third-eye chakra is also associated with the Akasha element and mainly dominated by the Om symbol. It is typically included in meditation, prayer, and yoga practice. It is a mantra of grounding, focus, and recognition of the Divine.
The symbol for the third-eye chakra also has 2 elements which are typically linked to wisdom— the inverted triangle and the lotus flower. The triangle represents the channeling of wisdom and knowledge to the seed. Looking at the triangle from the opposite direction, the widen sides represent the growth of such knowledge and wisdom, which can result in enlightenment and illumination.
Meanwhile, the lotus flower is the universal symbol and representation of knowledge. It also symbolizes fertility, eternity, prosperity and beauty as well as faith, mystery, and loyalty.
Third-Eye Chakra Location
Contrary to popular belief, this chakra is not located in the middle of the forehead. It sits right between the brows and a little bit above the nose bridge.
The 6th chakra resonates with the pineal gland and is in charge of controlling the biorhythms including the sleep and wake time. It is also centered on attention and connection with the mystical states of consciousness.
The third-eye chakra is also located close to the optic nerves making it highly sensitive to any changes in visual and lighting stimulations.
Third-Eye Chakra Imbalances
The third-eye chakra can become unbalanced or blocked because of several factors. It can be disrupted when you become deeply upset or experience and emotional disturbance.
Anxiety, stress, and fear are some of the most common causes of a third-eye chakra imbalance. When such feelings build-up, it can result in the disruption of energy flow.
Overactive Third-Eye Chakra
Now, an intense third-eye chakra can be quite disorienting, causing a lot of psychological and psychic stress. When the third-eye chakra is overactive, you’ll feel like you’re getting lost in an endless stream of nonsensical visions and information.
Also, an overactive 6th chakra can sweep you off your feet, especially if you’re not grounded well enough. You will be indulging in too much fantasy and losing in touch with what is real. You will become overly worried or fearful of visions that appears before your mind’s eye.
An overcharged third-eye chakra also causes a continuous flow of thoughts that can be mentally draining for you. You’ll also feel intimidated by the need to make rash decisions that would normally be easy for you.
You will also become indecisive. This is influence by your lack of focus, inability to determine reality and clouded judgment. You will also become judgmental and suffer from a mental fog.
Symptoms of a Blocked or Overactive Third-Eye Chakra
When the third-eye chakra is unbalanced or overactive, it can manifest as a feeling of being stuck without being able to look beyond problematic situations.
You will not be able to receive support from other chakras and may manifest as fantasies. You will not be able to create a vision for yourself of even realize your vision. It can also manifest as a rejection of everything spiritual.
A blocked third-eye chakra also means you lack clarity and you don’t see the bigger picture. Physically, the manifestations of a blocked third-eye chakra include nausea, insomnia, seizures, headaches, sinus issues, and vision problems.
You might also experience anxiety, hallucinations, delusions, feelings of being overwhelmed and paranoia.
Healing The Third-Eye Chakra
Here are some ways on how you can heal your unbalanced or blocked third-eye chakra.
1. Use Other Chakras
To heal your third-eye chakra, you can use other chakras and their attributes. For instance, the sacral chakra can help in filtering your intuitive hits, grounding them in your emotional and physical field.
Meanwhile, the heart chakra can help make you more balanced and compassionate when navigating situations that might be threatening or stressful.
2. Energy Healing Activities
There are certain practices that allow you to balance and stimulate your third-eye chakra. This includes sound therapy, acupuncture, Reiki and acupressure which help in bringing back the balance to your third-eye chakra.
When doing such practices, just make sure that you focus your intention on soothing or balancing the third-eye chakra.
3. Yoga
Yoga is one of the soothing and calming ways to heal your third-eye chakra as well as other chakras. If you want to heal your third-eye chakra with yoga, there are certain asanas that can help it balanced and healed.
This includes the shoulder stands, forward bends, and the child’s pose.
4. Using Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is another way that you can use to heal your overactive or blocked third-eye chakra. You can use essentials oils that are deeply connected to the third-eye chakra. Then leave it during the night as you sleep so you can benefit from their healing properties.
Some of the best essential oils for your third-eye chakra include clary sage, sandalwood, juniper, rosemary, marjoram, and frankincense.
5. Healthy Diet
A healthy diet not only benefits your overall body, but it also helps in soothing and healing your unbalanced third-eye chakra. It plays a huge role in your chakra health, and if you want to maintain an active and healthy third-eye chakra then you need to add indigo-colored foods to your diet.
Some foods to include are plums, purple peppers, eggplants, cabbage, kale as well as grapes and grape juice.
6. Utilize Healing Stones
You can also use or wear healing stones with the same vibrational energies or chakra color as your third-eye chakra in order to bring back proper energy flow and remove all negativities.
Amethyst, with its shades of indigo, helps in activating your third-eye chakra, stimulating and balancing it while offering intuition and wisdom. Purple fluorite, on the other hand, helps dispel negativity as well as promoting mental clarity, focus and psychic abilities.
Meanwhile, moldavite should help in clearing negativities while also restoring balance, not only to the third-eye chakra but to the entire chakra system. Not only that, but it also promotes new ideas and enhancing your imaginations and dreams.
Although not indigo, the black obsidian is another great stone for third-eye chakra since it is known to protect you from negativities while clearing chakra blockages and enhancing intuition and psychic abilities.
Other powerful stones for this chakra healing include moonstone, quartz, and Lapis Lazuli, which helps in bringing back balance in your third eye chakra and helping you stay intuitive but also protecting you against psychic disturbances.
7. Remove The Competition
Your mind should never be competitive. People who have powerful intuition should never thrive in a highly competitive environment.
You need to take a few moments in order to review your situation and check is there’s any competitive aura in your relationship, at work, with your friends, in your family or in any activities.
Competitive energy does not support your inner well-being, especially your third-eye chakra. So, make sure to let it go before it drains and exhausts you mentally and spiritually.
Governing your intellectual and intuitive abilities, the third-eye chakra can help you think clearly and have the vision. It will also develop your imagination as well as increase your potential for spiritual awareness.
It allows you to see the bigger picture, expanding your consciousness and influencing other chakras. The third-eye chakra also allows you to prepare for the next level of your spiritual evolution so you can benefit from intuitive knowledge as well as empathic connections.
Not only that, but you will also have strong memory and the ability find beautiful and positive meanings in even the most distressing situations in your life. You become imaginative, perceptive, and open-minded and dream powerful dreams.
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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