Have you ever used a blue moonstone before? If you do, then you must’ve known about the different essential moonstone benefits that it has. Not only that this stone has good effects on you, it is also a good companion stone. Why? Well, it is mainly because of the calming abilities that it has, as well as for the water feng shui that it may bring to your own space. It is also a powerful fertility stone, which may help in harmonizing your body with the lunar cycle. In this article, we will discuss some more important facts about blue moonstone including its benefits. Read on to this article to learn more.
Meanings and Properties of Blue Moonstone

In the actual fact, the meaning of the blue moonstone is in its own healing energies. This stone is a greatly sensual, nourishing, and feminine stone, which has the capacity to heal what is causing you pain, as well as bring you back to wholeness and wellness.
It is also a stone, which may help in carrying deep healing, plus feminine energies. Not just that, it also has the high energy rays of the blue colors and is always shining in prevailing white energy, thus making it a greatly protecting stone.
The main providers of the blue moonstone are Sri Lanka and India. Nonetheless, it may be found as well in the USA,
Reasons to Use Blue Moonstone
The blue moonstone is a master healer for those who are busy. In fact, it’ll bring calming, soothing, and healing energy, which may help you in regaining your inner balance and personal power. If you are going to use this regularly, you’ll start receiving insights as to how you’re misusing your personal energies, and this may give you the wisdom in loving yourself more and start the healing process. The stone is also essential in making you understand better the powerful ambiguities of your real female power, as well as the essence of all the healing.
Moreover, the milky moon that possesses a very motherly and nurturing energy, may infuse you with the quiet and calm confidence, which may assist you in gathering your own powers back. It is somewhat an abundant stone, so you need not to worry about its price or availability.
The white energies that all of the moonstones have reverberate with your own crown chakras, as well as your spiritual center. They also symbolize your personal identification with your oneness with God, your desire for wisdom and peace, and with the infinite.
Blue moonstone may dispel and cleanse the negativities i9n the chakras, as well as provide you the support you need in overcoming all your obstacles. It’ll also assist you in balancing your spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical bodies.
It’ll also provide you with the nourishment spiritually, which you actually need to help you with all of the changes.
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Give Me My Free ListBlue Moonstone Essential Benefits
Here are some of the most astounding blue moonstone benefits that you should know:
For Health and Healing
The blue moonstone may help in attuning the normal rhythms of the biological forces of the body to use the natural cycle of energy. It may also powerfully affect the reproductive system of females, as well as enhance their fertility. It may also possess the ability to balance the hormones, as well as address the fluid retention. The blue moonstone may also act as a growth stone for the young children and for teenagers, and it may slow down the aging process for the elderly.
It may also ease the degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, and eyes, together with the fleshy organs of the body. This stone may also be beneficial in treating insomnia, as well as in promoting lucid dreaming.
For Wealth

When you use the blue moonstone as a professional support stone, it’ll help you in excelling in your chosen path, as well as add more heart to what you are doing. It’ll also assist you in expressing your own and in being more confident in front of so many people. It’ll also show you the way on how you can effectively communicate, as well as create more impact.
The moonstone may attract good vibrations, which may increase your own level of prosperity and abundance. The metaphysical properties of this stone are frequently linked to the hidden knowledge or of utilizing the mind power in exploring the unknown.
For Love and Relationship
The blue moonstone may open the heart to the nurturing qualities, and it’ll inspire you in accepting more love in the heart. It is also a great stone, which may assist you in finding anew love after being broken hearted, and it’ll support you in all your emotional healing.
It is also a highly comforting stone when you want to lie low in love or keep everything as a secret for a little while as it may strengthen the resolve, as well as calm the emotions. Further, it also has calming and soothing qualities, which may work wonders for the emotional body.
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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