Moldavite is one of the most fascinating and sought-after minerals in the world. The green, teardrop-shaped gemstone comes from a meteorite that crashed into Earth about 15 million years ago. Not only do Moldavites have an interesting story behind them, but they can be used to protect you against negative energy and even heal your body!
If you’re interested in learning more about moldavite or how it can benefit you, then keep reading. We will share everything about this mystical stone so that by the end of this post, you have all the desired information.
The amazing transformation crystal, called Moldavite or holy grail stone, is thought to have been created 14.8 million years ago from the crystal of a meteoroid. So many theories are behind Moldavite, and some say it was composed of heat from the asteroid impact.
- Research says that it has crashed near the Czech Republic in the present day, more accurately in the Bohemian plateau.
- The result of that crash was six million megatons and was buried entirely in the earth’s core.
- As we talk about crystal usage in the past, this crystal was used by people of eastern Europe back to 25000 B.C. it was believed as a protective ornament against fertility and protection.
Lately, it was found in the form of the arrowhead. In 1908, moldavite cutting tools and amulets were also found. It was found to be Emerald, but different researchers have different theories. It was found in millions if pieces near the Czech Republic and are etched into unusual shape and size.
What Is Moldavite?
The first time it was introduced by Josef Mayer was in a lecture in Prague university from Týn nad Vltavou in 1786. The name of the crystal was Chrysolites at that time. In 1836, some crystal pieces were found at the Moldau river (Vltava) by Zippe; from that time, it was named Moldavite.
Moldavite is in the form of tektite formed by the melting and cooling of Silica or rock. After that, it is ejected into the atmosphere after the meteoroid impact. The natural glass formed by the meteoroid impact in Germany is also called Moldavite. In Czech lore, it was served as a marriage contract gift to bring love to marital relationships. For an extended period, it has been used in jewelry, spiritual transformation, and religious items.
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Give Me My Free ListThe Appearance Of Moldavite
The shape of the Moldavite gives resemblance to its molten origin. They are usually in a disk shape, oval, spheroid, dumbbell shape, rod-like, spiral, basically all are included in the splash pattern of liquid. Moldavites from Moravian stones are almost spherical, while Bohemian stones are usually rod-like and elongated.
The marvelous feature of Moldavite stone is that it is a beautifully carved, wrinkled, and sculpted pattern. It is just like an unpolished stone and inherited in raw. It resembles rough surface and forms erosions near the surface of the river.
The rarest of all, called “Sonorous” Moldavite, is just like a glass material, and if it is dropped on a glass or metal, they start ringing just like a coin.
Properties Of Moldavite
The chemical formula is SiO2(+Al2O3). According to researchers, its properties are the same as that of glass. Its chemical classification is like silica-rich glass. It has a yellowish-green and greenish-brown color, and it has a vitreous luster.
- It is transparent, translucent, and opaque crystal and cannot be cleaved. Hardness is measured in Mohs and is from 5 to 5.5 Mohs.
- It has specific gravity from 2.32 to 2.40. it has an amorphous system of green crystals and variable chemical composition.
- Moldavite occurs in shades of green, and its crystals are often folded in appearance.
A lot of claims have been made by researchers regarding the Moldavite metaphysical properties. Its stunning appearance and rarity made it so special. If you stare continuously at the Moldavite crystal at the time of meditation, you will find it easy to connect yourself with the high powers of the universe. Another attractive property is that it can transcend time. Moldavite is a beneficial stone for that person who is engaged in the past life state.
Moldavite As A Gemstone
Most quality type Moldavite is cut into the polished stone and sold as a gem. It should be worn cautiously and has about the same hardness and density as the standard glass. Due to that reason, it is used in pins, pendants, and earrings that would not be enslaved to impact.
- It is more durable than any ring, but it is less permanence to be a good gem for the ring. If used as a ring, the metal slope and other features should protect the gem from impact.
- Beautiful pieces of rough Moldavite are used in jewelry. Gorgeous rough gems are wire wrapped and made into pendants and earrings.
- The best sample of Moldavite is often sold to collectors at a relatively high price than usual and what they would have sold if used in jewelry.
Varieties Of Moldavite
Moldavite is green glass; of course, it is naturally occurring volcanic glass. Moldavite comes in two different varieties.
1. Regular Grade
These pieces are often low in quality and closer to opaque. They give dark green color and often turn into black color. Usually, they have a “Pitted” texture.
2. Museum-Grade
These pieces are lighter, more translucent, and are green in color. Also, they have fern-like patterns and are more valuable than regular grade Moldavite.
Gems Similar To Moldavite
Moldavite comes in different shapes and qualities, but some gems are not the same as Moldavite. These are explained below
1. Chrysolite
This gem refers to peridot, quality gem olivine. In general, chrysolite is not directed to and known as Moldavite, but it is included in the list. Dr. Josef Mayer has mistakenly added chrysolite to the list of Moldavite. Comparing it with Moldavite, it is not in the form of glass. It is a mineral of silicate having the general formula (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. It is in olive green color, and the dark olive-green color in it makes it more expensive.
2. Ivory Coast Tektites
According to researchers, Moldavite is similar in composition and properties to tektites found on the Ivory Coast. These are found in denser forests, which makes them challenging to regain. They are dull in appearance but are quite valuable and rare. They tend to be eggs shaped and are available in black or gray color.
3. Australites
The researchers have no outward similarity to Moldavite, but they have the same composition. They occur in grey or black color and tend to be in bowl or disk shape. Once, it was found that Australites were a form of Obsidian, but it is referred to with Moldavite.
4. Obsidian
Obsidian is one of the popular gemstones and is a form of volcanic glass. When lava cools rapidly with the minimum amount of crystal growth, that minimum amount of crystal is Obsidian. It is usually black, translucent, and has a smooth and vitreous texture. In ancient times, it was used for cutting purposes because of its sharp edges. During the research of Obsidian being a type of Moldavite, it was found that the volcanic eruption on the moon formed Obsidian.
5. Fulgurite
Fulgurite is also a type of glass formed by lightning striking and is not composed of meteoric impact. It does not seem like Moldavite at all.
Identifying Characteristics
Like all tektites, Moldavites also vary in chemistry and offer a wide range of specific gravity and refractive indices. X-ray fluorescence and data inclusion are the best methods to identify these gems. These crystals often have a wavy and roiled appearance and also have numerous inclusions of gas bubbles. Finding amorphous silica glass is a strong indication that you have a Moldavite.
- Sometimes it is hard to distinguish Moldavite from ordinary manufactured glass, requiring advanced gemological equipment.
- “Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer” (LA-ICP-MS) is a device used to identify the chemical composition of the gem. This device also distinguishes between Moldavites from Soda-lime green manufactured glasses.
- Fourier Transform NMR spectrometry can also analyze the infrared electromagnetic spectra of Moldavite. By using this instrument, Moldavite shows an absorption peak at 3700cm-1.
Spotting A Fake Moldavite
A frequently asked question from the crystal users, “How do I know whether my crystal is real or fake?”
Authentic crystals were found deep underwater, underground, and in darkness millions of years ago. They suck energies around them longer than we expect and come to the surface, and boost up our lives. However, many people cheat by providing fake copies of crystals, and those counterfeit crystals do not have the metaphysical healing properties that a genuine crystal has.
- Although fake crystals have the same chemical composition as genuine crystals, faux crystals are prepared in laboratories using different processes, leading to cheap mass production.
- While this does not seem a problem for some buyers, the main problem is that artificial crystals do not give healing properties.
- The key to finding authentic Moldavite pieces and not getting deceived by the counterfeit chips is to look at the texture and the shiny and quite wet appearance that is the main characteristic of the true Moldavite.
Any piece of crystal that does not include a bubble and looks like a clean and flawless crystal is possibly fake. These fake crystals are produced in large amounts, thus deceiving customers from the healing powers of the Moldavite crystal.
Cost Of A Real Moldavite
Moldavite is expensive due to several reasons.
- Firstly, the Moldavite occurs in small pieces from the middle to upper Miocene epoch. Much of it is buried under the earth and needs absolute safety and strength to bring it to the surface safely. This leads to a high cost.
- Secondly, Moldavite found in these areas in droplet-shaped particles only a few centimeters in diameter. From above, it is explained that how small it is in raw form. This process is the refining of Moldavite as a gemstone. Smaller pieces can be worn in jewelry and bracelets, and they are low in cost, but if large portions of Moldavite crystals are used in jewelry, they are not found easily and are pretty expensive.
- About the price of Moldavite, we received a rough and green faceted Moldavite. We paid 30$ for the 13*11-millimeter, 6.10 carat stone. If that were a genuine moldavite, they would cost me more. The faceted stones from genuine Moldavite are much smaller, and it is an enormous stone. The green bottle glass-like appearance is useful for long fake moldavite jewelry.
Fake Medicine
Due to the amorphous composition, real Moldavite does not process quickly on a completely smooth and glossy surface. Most of the Moldavite sold online nowadays is offered for use as a healing crystal or metaphysical use. Although some respond that wearing Moldavite gives medical effectiveness, there is no scientific proof that it provides a medical cure but acts as a dummy medicine.
Crystal Pairing And Energy
Moldavite carries healing properties, self-healing, and cleansing. Some stones are present, which helps with Moldavites in several ways. By using Herkimer Diamond while using Moldavite will enhance the third eye vision system. By using Rose Quartz with Moldavite assists in opening the heart and loves to flow in it.
This crystal releases energy, and you can feel the energy by touching it and gaining the warmth caused by Moldavite. The heat is so usual that it is called a Moldavite Flush. It is recommended to have a standard stone nearby while carrying a Moldavite and during walking. It helps the Moldavite from being too firm, and that strength will be less overwhelming for you.
Cleaning And Recharging A Moldavite
Moldavite crystal is relatively fragile and cannot be cleaned with salt. However, it can be re-energized with positive energy, and this process should be done once a month. This stone is fragile because of its powerful frequencies and vibrational effect. It absorbs negativity and should be cleansed with water frequently.
- To recharge it with your powers, hold it in your palm, move it close to your heart, and close your eyes. Make you’re breathing normal and send positive thoughts and intentions emphatically.
- Also, place it under the moon to recharge it and clear away all its negativity. Place it safely under the moonlight and leave it for a whole night. This would be best if it is charged under the Lunar moon and Full moon. Lunar energy is a more efficient mode of energy and removing negativity from crystals.
- For cleaning, stay away from harsh chemicals and use mild soap with water. Wipe the stone with a soft cloth and rinse it well so that no soap is left on that crystal.
The Healing Effect Of Moldavite
Moldavite healing properties assist with a physical, emotional, and balanced level of problems. Its healing effect can help us with mental issues. Moldavite has a long and detailed history in theopathic uses.
1. Physical Moldavite Properties
It is beneficial as a part of diagnosis and supports the releasing and healing process. Its high vibrational energy helps open the blocked areas and allows the cells to move towards the original state of perseverance.
- Moldavite is a vigorous stone, and it stimulates personal needs and slows the aging phenomenon. It helps in maintaining balance in health and electrical impulses in the brain.
- It is an excellent stimulant for gout treatment, and green-colored stones are suitable for sight and mental peace. The assist of Moldavite can cure asthma, rashes due to pollution, flu, and anemia.
2. Emotional Healing Powers
Moldavite is known as the stone of the heart. Its resonance allows our soul to union with our mind and heart and brain to work together in partnership. It reaches the deeper in our self and brings us to the surface.
- Moldavite is an unusual stone, causing surprising solutions and renewing the dormant memories. It aids in releasing antique believed systems and ideas that no longer agree with one’s best share. It can compensate for hypnotic commands.
- Those people who dislike the green color of Moldavite have an allergy to sensate and need to experience positive love to find wholeness. They might also have hidden emotional injuries or shocks that need to be healed, and for that purpose, many other crystals are used.
3. Chakra Balancing Properties
Moldavite, with its stunning green energy, is the first and leading stone to the heart. Moldavite energies can stimulate any or all of the chakra because of its high vibrational frequency. This often occurs concurrently, and sometimes it appears with great emotional release. It is also used to activate Kundalini Energy.
- The heart chakra is located near the chest bone, and it regulates our relationship with the external world, what we are comprised of, and what we counter.
- The energy of the green crystal is used to settle the blockages and restore them. The heart chakra is accommodating us to understand our needs and relations clearly.
- Our third eye is the head of judgment and command. Moldavite also excites the third eye and Crown Chakra.
- Also, it leads our sight and everyday knowledge of the world. The balancing of the third eye chakra normalizes our thoughts and communication with others.
The Crown Chakra is designated at the top of the head and is our primary way to see the expanded universe. It controls our thinking that what we think and respond to the people. It is the source of knowledge, belief, and spiritual awakening. When the Crown chakra is balanced, we can see what they are and know about our place in the universe.
Moldavite Crystals And Angels
If you are born in the following periods, the crystal color and the name of the angel would be described below:
Date | Crystal Color | Name Of Angel |
Jan 1- Jan 5 | Green | Nemamiah |
March 31- April 4 | Dark green | Sitael |
June 6- June 10 | Green | Hakamiah |
July 7- July 11 | Light green | Ieiaeil |
Sep 3- Sep 7 | Green | Yehudiah |
Sep 8- Sep 12 | Dark green | Lehahiah |
Dec 27- Dec 31 | Dark green | Poiel |
Moldavite Birthstone
There are several ways to find a birthstone, and the Moldavite birthstone is mentioned above. These are viral lists that people are familiar with. The color of the wheel is also another option for finding the birthstone. Finally, many people use the stones of the Zodiac.
Summing Up
That was all about Moldavites. This special type of stone has been used to heal hearts for centuries, so it can be said that there are many benefits to having this power in your life! We hope you have enjoyed learning about moldavite today. Be sure to let us know what other topics we should cover next time by leaving us comments below!
Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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