The 13 Best and Most Powerful Crystals For Luck

By Felicia Eisnnicher •  10 min read

If you are down on luck, then there are certain gemstones and crystals for luck that can help you there.

Truth is, every crystal has unique characteristics and vibrations that can amplify your luck, which in turn can improve your prosperity, wealth and relationships.

Whether you are seeking good fortune in your finances, business or relationships, these are some of the best and most powerful crystals you can use!

The 13 Crystals For Luck

1. Citrine

Citrine, the stone which embodies a vibrant golden hue that signifies exactly that, gold! Known as the “Lucky Merchant’s Stone” citrine is believed to bring people financial success and wealth. In fact, this make it one of the most demanded stones for luck.

It is also one of the most powerful crystals for manifesting, especially in terms of promoting success in businesses. The crystal is said to carry the might and power of the sun, carrying its abundance.

Not only does its powerful vibration bring prosperity and wealth. But it also teaches you how to attract it, encouraging generosity, and helps you spend it wisely. Other than charming money and luck into your life, citrine can also help in improving your mood and brings optimism to your side.

2. Green Aventurine

crystals for luck

Believed to be one of the luckiest gemstone available, green aventurine if the go-to crystal for people who like to gamble and wants some winning energy and the chance to win.

As a matter of fact, its name is derived from the Latin term Aventura which means chance, making it quit be useful in attracting good luck and wealth as well as stabilizing your financial situations.

If you carry a piece of Green Aventurine in the left side pocket when buying a lottery ticket, apparently it can bring you luck. So, if you wish to try to boost your good fortune or finances, then Green aventurine is a must-have.

3. Malachite

Being the Stone of Transformation, malachite is a powerful crystal that attracts luck with its beautiful shades of green. Its crystalline structure emits a huge amount of vibrations, attracting luck to its wearer.

It is believed that Malachite can protect you from any misfortunes and bring success to your life. It also helps in achieving fortune and fame by attracting the right individuals to you. Being deeply connected to the throat and heart chakra, this stone can bring inner peace to your heart and the truthfulness in your throat. This will allow you to express yourself more effectively without fearing anyone’s judgment.

It is one of the best lucky gemstones that offer you unshakeable confidence and encouraging you to take the risk. However, you need to careful with it. Thanks to its powerful vibrations, malachite equally attract negative energy if you are careless or dishonest with your intentions in using the stone.

4. Labradorite


Probably one of the most beautiful crystal for luck on this list, the Labradorite is made of complex crystalline structure in various shades of blue. It offers you a big stroke of fortune. This makes it one of the few gemstones that you can wholly rely on for luck.

It is also the gemstone that brings serendipity, synchronicity and good fortune with its positive vibration. Particularly, labradorite is more useful whenever you are feeling stuck in life and need the motivation to get things flowing again.

It brings clarity to your decisions while removing negativity, protecting you from any bad decisions that can result in losing your wealth. Its vibrations also influence your mental health and wealth, bringing more luck than you can imagine.

5. Amazonite

The ultimate stone of hope, Amazonite with its mixture of white and blue stone will help you realize your dreams and ring fortune to your life. It brings luck to your life in the form of courage and hopes to start something new. The crystal removes any energy blockages that hold you back from achieving your dreams.

So, if you have had something on your mind but are always afraid to actually start it, then this lucky gemstone is for you. This will push you towards it and give you only success. In addition, amazonite brings luck in games where the element is chance.

Being the stone of prosperity, this crystal also brings good fortune to any business and financial venture you may have.

6. Rose Quartz

If you ever need some luck in your love life and relationship, then the beautiful rose quartz is your best bet. Deeply associated with the Goddess of Love, Venus, this pinkish crystal features high energetic vibration that attracts love to you.

Closely associated with the heart chakra, the stone brings warmth and happiness to any failing relationship or allow you to let go of any unnecessary negative emotions so you can move forward and meet the one.

In addition, the stone helps remove any negative energy from any situation and replacing it with the energy and vibrations of unconditional love. This beautiful feeling that it spreads to everyone nearby helps relieve tensions and quickly settle disputes.

7. Peridot

crystals for luck

Also called the money stone, peridot is probably the most beautiful crystal that comes in the color of money, green. With its translucent, diamond-like shape, peridot shines brighter than anything in a room and this goes the same for its powers.

One of the most talked-about fortune stones, peridot. With its bright green color and crystalline structure brings luck to its owner as well as attracting abundance and prosperity. You can also use this as a piece of jewelry in order to promote its wealth-attracting power.

In addition to attracting wealth, it also has the power to open the heart. What’s more, it bring in calmness intuitiveness, making you wiser and connecting yourself to the divine forces. And once you fully grasp them, you can find yourself in total mindfulness. Thus o you can be present wherever you may go.

8. Tourmalinated Quartz

Another great crystal for boosting good fortune and luck. Tourmalinated quartz combines the qualities of Tourmaline which blocks and transmutes negative energy into positive one and Quartz that amplifies focus and vibratory energies, ultimately bringing you double the luck.

It is also one of the very few crystals for luck that’s available almost everywhere. So finding one will not be as difficult and should be much cheaper than most other gemstones for luck. In terms of chakras activated, this crystal can power the root, third eye, solar plexus, crown, and throat and heart chakra.

It also helps you have strong willpower and success in financial and wealth at the same. Furthermore, the amplification from this stone can significantly influence your lifestyle. This will let you to have a sense of calmness and being less stressful. What’s more is that you can use this crystal with other gemstones on this list in order to further boost its influence.

9. Moldavite

A rare and unique stone, moldavite was formed about 15 million years ago and has some extra-terrestrial beginnings. It is one of the most interesting crystals for luck and contains high vibration of luck thanks to its unique composition.

Its age and structure attract a lot of luck, especially for women who struggle with fertility. It has also been used since the Stone Age as a spiritual talisman for protection and good luck. Thanks to its immense power, moldavite is also suitable to use with other crystals, multiplying their positive vibrations and ringing even more luck into your life.

A stone of change, moldavite is a beneficial crystal for those who seem to experience lots of bad luck. Using its powers, your luck will surely change for the better. In addition, it stimulates the synchronicity and coincidence in life, which are wonderful gifts of prosperity and luck.

10. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a healing crystal with a beautiful mixture of brown and golden strands flowing across its composition. Not only is it a beautiful accessory that elevates your look, but the stone also brings in god luck into your life.

AS its name implies, the stone gives you the willpower and perspective of the tiger which does not fear anything. It also brings luck by allowing you to see into the future and making smart financial decisions. The stone is a wealth magnet connects with the root chakra deeply, rewriting your destiny richly.

In stressful situations, this crystal can raise your intelligence and calm your nerves. It supercharges your wallet and attracts wealth and opportunities to find monetary gains in any situation.

11. Carnelian

carnelian is a powerhouse for productivity, success, and prosperity and is used by world leaders for luck. According to legend, Napoleon wore a lucky watch made of carnelian gemstone as well as Islamic prophet Mohammed wearing a carnelian seal ring to bring them good luck in their ventures.

This stone proves to be useful in situations when you need to take a stand or need some good luck when giving a presentation. In addition, carnelian is great at protecting you from any negative energies, making you feel luckier.

12. Jade

Known as a growing crystal, jade has the power to attract money. This oriental gemstone is best for clearing your thought and making important decisions about investing and using your money.

Also, this gemstone attracts luck and wealth while shielding you away from misfortunes and disasters. Furthermore, this stone helps you seek out new opportunities without fear, and give you the much needed good luck in order to land a job.

It brings you calmness and the courage to take risks and embrace your luck, which sets the tone for a more positive future. In addition, jade will also give you luck in attracting love.

13. Garnet

Yet another bright stone that will give you the luck and opportunity to achieve some sort of financial wealth and personal success, garnet with powerful energies help bring good fortune while blocking out the negative ones.

Whether it is your business or career, having this lucky stone can help encourage a new business relationship by helping stimulate the desire for others to work with you. Garnet is a great stone that you can keep around your office in order to give you the luck and opportunities to help advance your career.

How to Use Crystals for Luck

  • Wear the crystals as jewelry so that you can benefit from their lucky vibrational energies throughout the day.
  • Place crystals around your home to improve fortune in your daily life.
  • Use the crystals to enhance your meditation by holding it in your hand, placing it in your pocket or putting it on your yoga mat.
  • You can also make crystal elixirs.
  • Sleep with the crystal under your pillow to promote luck and realizing your dreams.


We all want to be lucky.

But if you are currently experiencing severe misfortunes, then turn to the above crystals for luck in order to change your fortune for the better and turn your life around.

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Felicia Eisnnicher

I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.

Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile