The Best 9 Crystals For Sacral Chakra

Have you ever heard about crystals for sacral chakra before? If this is your first time, this article is for you.

The sacral chakra, also called Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the center for emotional balance and creative energies. Located just below your navel and having a bright orange color, the sacral chakra allows a healthy flow of energy throughout your body.

Pleasure, passions, playfulness, and sexuality are all part of the second chakra’s purpose and sweetness. It is deeply connected to the water, moon and adrenal glands as well as having a feminine quality.

An imbalance of blockage of the sacral chakra can make you over or unemotional. You will struggle with the changes in your life while a lack of confidence or sadness can interfere with your creativity and passion. Your relationships will also become unhealthy and toxic.

Some of the best tools that you can use to unblock or balance your sacral chakra are healing crystals. With their unique vibration, you can transform, shift and amplify your energies and remove the feelings of lethargy, overdependence on others and the lack of passion.

9 Crystals For Healing The Sacral Chakra

1. Carnelian

Carnelian with its bright red or orange color is one of the favorite healing crystals for the sacral chakra. With its colors of an evening sunset, the carnelian helps open and soothe your second chakra. It will also balance the flowing energy while encouraging confidence.

Carnelian was long revered in ancient times as an excellent stone for fertility. Also, it has a deep connection with Aphrodite, the fertility goddess. Also called the Stone of Motivation, Creativity, Leadership, Endurance, and Courage, carnelian crystal sure has the power to push you forward against all odds.

What’s more is that this powerful stone can also boost your intuition, passion, self-belief, and self-confidence. Its warm joyful energy will help balance and revitalize your sacral chakra as well as your root chakra. This will allow you to move forward with renewed courage and confidence.

2. Tiger’s Eye

An all-powerful grounding and stabilizing healing crystal, the Tiger’s Eye harnesses the sun’s and earth’s energy, making it an excellent stone for sacral chakra healing. The second chakra is known as the gateway for your chi to flow from, which is crucial for your overall well-being and health.

And the tiger’s eye with its red, yellow or brown color grounds and balances this energy center, allowing movement change and creativity to grow from it. With that said, the tiger’s eye has several other attributes.

With the polarizing ability of the tiger’s eye, it can help balance the emotional body and yin-yang, making it a wonderful tool to release fears and stabilize mood swings. As its name implies, this stone also brings forth the courage of the tiger allowing you to become highly confident and be successful. Not only that, but it also encourages you to take the risk and explore your passion and hidden creative talents.

Intuition, integrity and gut feelings also improve with the tiger’s eye. It even helps relieve your food cravings while sharpening your senses and boosting your willpower. The tiger’s eye is also said to be an excellent stone to stimulate your kundalini energy.

3. Orange Calcite

crystals for sacral chakra

Another great crystal for balancing and opening the second chakra, orange calcite with its nurturing and warm qualities inspires creativity, ushering you towards your goals and reaching your full potential.

Also called the Stone for Creativity, the orange calcite is a great stone to keep you motivated. If you feel negatively influenced by people around you or lacking the willpower, and having the feeling of sadness, lack of self-worth, fear, apathy, and lethargy, the orange calcite can help.

With its bright yellow to deep orange color, orange calcite allows you to see the truth in things. It will encourage you emotionally and supports you y charging and energizing your sacral chakra. Not only that, but it will also get your positive energy moving, removing your bad habits and allowing you to have a true insight to follow.

4. Orange Moonstone

A wonderful crystal with the innate power to relieve stress and anxiety, the orange moonstone can help in finding your balance. The orange moonstone is a favorite stone for women, thanks to its powerful connection with feminity and the lunar cycle.

All variations of moonstone are called the Stone of New Beginnings and are creatively used to inspire and bring forth the freedom of expression. IT is also a fertility talisman that brings gentleness and the stability of your emotions.

Combine that moonstone attributes with the orange color and it intensifies its association to the sacral chakra, enhancing intuition, love in relationships and creativity. It encourages self-love, especially if harsh thoughts stem from weight issues and eating disorders, due to a closed and an unbalanced sacral chakra.

Orange moonstone can help separate the need for food from the emotional need of eating and provide you a better sense of your self-worth.

5. Goldstone

Called the Stone of Ambition, the Goldstone is rich in mystery and legends. It is deeply connected to the sacral chakra making it the perfect stone for achieving life purpose and personal development while stabilizing and calming emotions in the process.

Goldstone is also an excellent crystal for grounding. Whenever you feel lethargic or restless, the copper content of the goldstone is a conductor of powerful spiritual healing energy.

Although the goldstone is not a true crystal and is a man-made stone using glass and copper, it does not take away its healing powers. You can combine it with other crystals in order to boost creative talents and hidden attributes of this stone.

6. Amber


Strictly speaking, amber is not a crystal; but a fossilized tree resin. Still, it is a favorite stone for clearing emotional blockages and is a great stone for the sacral and solar plexus chakra.

Because of its origin, amber features fauna, flora and other minerals. It stores energies from both the sun and earth, making it a great choice for clearing and supporting the sacral chakra.

This tone with its sunny and warm energy deeply resonates with the second chakra and has boundless energies in encouraging decision-making and inspiring creativity. In addition, if you are looking for spontaneity in lovemaking, amber makes a wonderful stone.

Not only that, but it is also highly protective. However, it can absorb negative energies, thus, you will need to clean it regularly in order not to release negative moods in the process.

7. Sunstone

When you want to activate or balance your second chakra leadership qualities, improved confidence and enthusiasm are also enhanced. To do so, the sunstone’s energetic attributes can perfectly align with such traits.

Sunstone with its red-brown, orange or yellow color offers joyful and light energy that explodes with happiness and radiance. It restores the joy in your life, allowing you to balance your personal power, improved intuition, and kindness.

The sunstone also helps in boosting your self-confidence and maintain your true personality around other people and in different situations.

8. Tangerine Quartz

The tangerine quartz offers amazing metaphysical properties that will benefit your sacral chakra. Some people even describe it as inspiration and life-changing. Tangerine Quartz with its orange or red color helps enhance self-worth, self-understanding and boosting creativity.

It is a great stone to remove self-limiting beliefs and provide you the courage to move forward and activating your fiery passion in the process. Not only that, but it also has a lovely angelic quality that helps encourage a playful approach to life and deepens curiosity.

The stone also helps in balancing the polarity between receiving and giving, a crucial element for long-lasting relationships. It also offers you a real zest in life, activating your sexuality, balancing your emotion and encouraging your passion.

Also called the tone of Perseverance and Strength, the tangerine quartz offers you the courage to move forward and stamina to endure challenges and obstacles in life.

9. Aragonite Star Clusters

A wonderful crystal for stabilizing your emotions and helps explore your existence, the aragonite star clusters are called the Conservationist’s Stone for a good reason. Healing the Earth offers a sense of passion and care for the planet and everything on it, showing you self-care and the importance of good balance.

Originally connected to the Root chakra, the peach hue of this crystal also resonates with the energies of creativity and self-reliance, making it a perfect stone for the sacral chakra.

With its grounding energies, it allows you to be centered and reducing the frustration and stress caused by overworking and life challenges and difficulties. It also radiates positive energy, making it effective for releasing anger and other negative emotions.

Crystal Healing Tips For Sacral Chakra

All of the crystals mentioned above are excellent for balancing, opening and energizing your second chakra. In order to use and gain the most benefits from these stones, consider the following tips:

· Meditation

Daily meditation is a great way to connect with the unique vibrations and energies of the crystals for the sacral chakra. You can hold them in your hands while meditating or place them on your sacral chakra. Also, you can try surrounding yourself with a sacral chakra crystal grid before starting your daily meditation.

· Jewelry

This is another way to keep the energies of the crystal in your auric field for a long period of time. It also keeps the crystal in physical contact with your skin so you can feel their healing vibrations. Most of the crystals mentioned above are available in pieces of jewelry. Allowing you to keep your emotions stabilized throughout the day.

· Crystal Elixirs

This is a convenient way to absorb and ingest the healing properties of a particular stone for the sacral chakra. You can submerge a water-safe crystal on a bottle of water for a few minutes or just surround the bottle with crystals to absorb its vibrational energies. You can then drink the water to energize your sacral chakra.

· Sleep With Crystals

Another way to benefit from crystals for the sacral chakra is to place them under your pillow or near your bed when sleeping. This allows you to receive their healing energies as you sleep.

· Carry Them With You

Nearly all the above-mentioned crystals can adapt to being put in your purse or pocket. This allows you to keep the crystal closer to your sacral chakra and have the advantage to be easily accessible whenever you need to have direct contact.

· Crystal Point

You can also use a crystal point if you want to direct the energy into your sacral chakra. Pint it downwards to have a slightly more grounding effect ad leave it there for 20 minutes.


An unbalanced or blocked sacral chakra can cause a wide range of problems including lethargy and the lack of confidence, focus, passion, and creativity. In order to heal, soothe and align your sacral chakra, you will have to use the crystals mentioned above.

All of them can help enhance your passion, creativity, playfulness, as well as self-confidence and the courage to make your own path towards success.

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Felicia Eisnnicher

I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.

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