Do you want to learn more about the 7 chakras for beginners? If so, then read on!
The chakras are the center of the energy of our body. You have probably heard people among the crystal and meditating community talking about opening or unblocking the chakras. This refer to the process of opening up the chakras in order to allow energy to run and enter freely causing harmony to exist between the physical body, spirit and mind.
Balancing and aligning the chakras is believed to be essential for overall well-being. Each chakra corresponds to specific aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. When these energy centres are in harmony, they can create vitality and a profound sense of inner peace. Various practices such as yoga, meditation, and Reiki are often employed to help individuals achieve this balance and unlock the full potential of their chakras.
In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel” and you think of them as wheels of free-flowing positive energies.
In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will introduce you the 7 chakras, their characteristics and the crystals that best resonates with them.
Table of Contents
Chakras for Beginners
Root Chakra

Also known as Muladhara, the root chakra represents our very foundation. On the body, the root chakra sits at the base of our spines and offers us the feeling of being grounded.
When the root chakra is stimulated and unblocked, we will feel confident in our ability to stand on our own two feet with confidence and withstand obstacles and challenges that may appear in our life.
However, when it is blocked, we feel unsure and threatened like we are standing on unstable ground.
Location: Base of the spine, in the tailbone area
Mantra: I can grow with a steady foundation.
Control Over: Survival in money, financial independence, and food
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Development Period: 1 – 7 years old
With is earthy red color, this semi-precious stone is known as the “ring bringer” and used to balance and cleanse the body.
- Red Carnelian
Ranging from orange to red, the red carnelian is historically worn for courage and strength. It is also used to cleanse and activate the root chakra.
- Bloodstone
Traditionally worn to promote self-esteem while removing negativities, the bloodstone with its dark green color and red spots is used to balance, cleanse and open up the root chakra.
- Obsidian
This organic back stone is also a stone of protection as well as used in cleansing and balancing and spiritual grounding.
A great stone for spiritual protection, the black tourmaline is great for protecting its wearer from negativities as well as used for spiritual grounding.
Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is also known as Swadhisthana, is the center for emotional balance and creativity as well as governing the sexual energy.
This chakra is positioned below our navels in our lower abdomen and helps you feel the control in your life. The color for the sacral chakra is orange and is deeply tied to the moon and its feminine energies.
Location: On the lower abdomen, at least 2 inches below the navel
Mantra: I will always honor others but always not before myself.
Control Over: Sense of well-being, abundance, sexuality, and pleasure
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Development Period: 8 – 14 years old
Stones: Orange and yellow crystals are the best for opening the sacral chakra. However, for an overactive sacral chakra, gems of the opposite colors can be used to soothe it.
- Carnelian
With is beautiful hues of the evening sunset, the orange carnelian helps open and soothe the sacral chakra, encouraging confidence and balancing its energies.
- Tiger’s Eye
Available in colors red, yellow and brown, the Tiger’s Eye crystal is a powerful grounding and stabilizing crystal, allowing change and creativity.
With its yellow to deep orange color, the orange calcite offers nurturing and warm qualities that inspire creativity and positivity.
- Citrine
Another beautiful orange crystal, citrine with its powerful sun energies have cleansing power that helps clean blockages in the sacral chakra.
- Amber
The crystal with a yellow or golden brown hue is known for drawing energy into themselves and help remove excess energy from the sacral chakra.
- Moonstone
The meaning of moonstone crystal slightly varies depending on the variety, however, all colors and varieties are great for the sacral chakra, particularly the ones with yellow, orange or slightly golden hue.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura or the Solar Plexus chakra is the 3rd chakra and stimulates your ability to be more confident and in total control of your life.
Remember that last time you felt butterflies or sudden discomfort in your stomach when things don’t go well, that the Solar Plexus chakra at work.
When this chakra is blocked, you will feel overwhelmed and have a sense of self-doubt and shame. However, if you open them, you will be able to express your true selves without worries.
Location: In the upper abdomen, stomach area
Mantra: Self-love begins when I accept all parts of myself
Control Over: Self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Development Period: 15 – 21 years old
- Amber
This organic crystal with its yellowish-orange hue is used to balance and cleanse the mind and increases clarity while promoting confidence.
- Lemon quartz
The stone of optimism, lemon quartz with its yellowish hue is used to activate and balance the solar plexus chakra.
- Citrine
Dubbed as the “success stone”, citrine with its pale yellow color helps increase personal confidence and empowerment.
- Yellow Tourmaline
Known as a powerful grounding stone, the yellow variety of tourmalines help detoxify the mind and body while cleansing and balancing the solar plexus chakra.
- Yellow Jasper
Called as the “stone of protection”, the yellow jasper help activates the solar plexus chakra and induce self-confidence and self-esteem to its wearer.
Heart Chakra

Anahata is the bridge between the upper chakras (for spirituality) and the lower chakras (for materiality). AS its name implies, the heart chakra provides you the ability to receive and give love, both from others and yourself.
A blocked heart chakra has trouble opening up to people and may have a problem of self-worthlessness when it comes to receiving or giving love. A stimulated and balanced heart chakra allows empathy and deep compassion.
Location: Just above the heart
Mantra: When I love myself, loving others is easy.
Control Over: Love, inner peace, and joy
Element: Air
Color: Green
Development Period: 21 – 28 years old
Stones: The best crystals for the heart chakra come in the colors pink and green.
Dubbed as the crystal for unconditional love, rose quartz is the primary stone for the heart chakra. It is used to heal and open the heart chakra, calming negative emotions, promoting peace and blocking negativities.
- Jade
With its green to white color, the semi-precious crystal Jade is used to balance the heart chakra while promoting the physical and emotional healing of the heart.
- Emerald
Believed to be the purest form of green-ray energy, Emerald is the ultimate stone for opening and healing the heart chakra.
This semi-precious crystal is used to activate the heart chakra. Being a stone of vitality, it increases your focus and helps soothe negative emotions.
- Rhodonite
The stone of self-love, rhodonite with its pink or red color resonates deeply with the heart chakra and encourages forgiveness while balancing emotions.
Throat Chakra

Vishuddha gives you voices to your heart chakra, allowing you to communicate yourself effectively. When it is opened and balanced, the throat chakra allows you to express yourself with confidence.
However, for those with a blocked throat chakra will have difficulty in saying how they truly feel or won’t be able to speak their minds.
Location: The throat
Mantra: I will speak my truth always.
Control Over: Self-expression, communication, truth
Element: Sound or Music
Color: Turquoise or Light Blue
Development Period: 29 – 35 years old
- Aquamarine
This beautiful light blue semi-precious crystal is used to stimulate and cleanse the throat chakra, offering its wearer the courage to speak and promoting compassion.
- Lapis Lazuli
Dubbed as the stone of truth, the Lapis Lazuli with its blue color helps restore your ability to effectively communicate your mind.
- Turquoise
The ultimate stone of communication, turquoise with its blue to green-blue color helps remove negativity and fear, allowing you to have the confidence to speak and freely express yourself.
Another beautiful light blue stone, the blue lace agate harnesses the power of the throat chakra and helps prevent anger when speaking while encouraging calm expression of feelings and thoughts.
Third Eye Chakra

Ajna, is on the upper chakra, allowing you to get closer communion with the divine. This third-eye chakra also called the Brow Chakra, helps control your ability to see the big picture and allowing you to follow your intuition.
This is the eye of your soul, taking information beyond what the naked eye can see. Intuition and visions are the benefits of having an activated third eye chakra.
Location: In the forehead, between the eyes
Mantra: I open myself to explore what can’t be seen.
Control Over: Imagination, intuition, wisdom
Element: Light
Color: Purple, dark blue
Development Period:
- Amethyst
With its varying shades of purple, this precious crystal is the ultimate third eye chakra activator. Amethyst helps balance and stimulate the brow chakra and is a healing stone offering wisdom and intuition.
- Purple Fluorite
The purple fluorite is used to stimulate and balance the third eye chakra. It also helps dispel negativity while also promoting mental clarity, intuition, and focus.
Moldavite is one of the few stones that help clear negativity while restoring balance to the entire chakra. It is also great for promoting new ideas and enhancing dreams and imaginations.
This black crystal is great for expelling negativities as well as clearing chakra blockages while enhancing intuition.
Crown Chakra

The last and highest chakra, the Samsara or Sahasrara sits at the top of your head and promotes the ability to feel fully connected in the spiritual realm.
A few people with an open or activated chakra allows them to access their higher consciousness and communicate with the spiritual realm.
Location: The top of the head
Mantra: I’m a vessel for light and love.
Control Over: Spiritual connection, inner and outer beauty
Element: Divine
Color: White and Violet
Development Period: 43 – 49 years old
The ultimate crown chakra crystal, the clear quartz is a crystalline mineral that amplifies energies, offering heightened spiritual awareness, encourage clarity, expanding consciousness and amplifying your psychic ability.
- Selenite
Another clear crystal, selenite helps in cleansing the auric field, clearing congested energies, as well as lifting awareness and removing stagnation. It allows you to open up your higher consciousness and offer communication to the Divine.
- Diamond
The hardest mineral on earth, the diamond with its clear crystal structure allows the ultimate access to divine energies. It helps facilitate the connection with the higher reals, clearing energies, and promoting vision and truth.
- Amethyst
The semi-precious amethyst with its purple or violet color facilitates mindful meditation, allowing its wearer to communicate with their guides and angels. It also provides clarity of the mind, clearing the crown chakra and communicate with the higher realm.
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There you have it the seven chakras for beginners. Each of them is very responisive not only to your emotions and thoughts, but also to your past trauma life.
However, it is worth mentioning that respective chakras cannot be easily opened. There is no mechanical opening in your body. Rather, you need to open them in your conscious mind.
Hopefully, you have learned a lot from this article.
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Felicia Eisnnicher
I am the Lead Author and Editor at Gemstagram. I am responsible for creating and editing content about the power of gems and crystals. I also teach about self-knowing, self-understanding and personal empowerment through numerology. My mission is to help people understand the power of gems and crystals, and how they can use that power to improve their lives. I believe that by understanding ourselves better, we can become more empowered individuals who are able to create our own destiny.Visit my profile page for more information about me: Felicia Eisnnicher Author Profile
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